A short film created in 2020 with American Repertory Ballet, featuring original piano work Repeat and edited by myself
I wrote Repeat my senior year of high school, after my grandfather had passed away. He was an incredible person who meant a lot to me. We shared a love of dance; he taught me how to do the jitterbug and would always remind me to “keep on my toes.” It was my first time experiencing such a loss, so naturally, I turned to music to reflect and reminisce. So many little things would remind me of him that I felt like memories were just playing on repeat in my mind, which inspired the title of the piece. It is a bittersweet song, but writing it helped me work through what I was feeling at the time.
When the COVID-19 pandemic first began, Repeat became great inspiration for my colleagues and I at American Repertory Ballet to create a hopeful video project. We wanted to show that we could still create beautiful work as a group even if we couldn’t be in the studio together and complete the season of in-theater performances. Repeat was a nostalgic, yet optimistic composition, so it was very fitting for the time period and the message that we wanted to spread: Though we may be physically separated, we are still together at heart. Nothing connects us more in this world than sharing our art.
I recorded and produced the piano composition utilizing Logic Pro and brought the vision of the production team—Andrea Marini, Elisabeth White, Journy Wilkes-Davis, Ryoko Tanaka, and myself—to life with my video editing skills in Adobe Premiere Pro.
When the COVID-19 pandemic first began, Repeat became great inspiration for my colleagues and I at American Repertory Ballet to create a hopeful video project. We wanted to show that we could still create beautiful work as a group even if we couldn’t be in the studio together and complete the season of in-theater performances. Repeat was a nostalgic, yet optimistic composition, so it was very fitting for the time period and the message that we wanted to spread: Though we may be physically separated, we are still together at heart. Nothing connects us more in this world than sharing our art.
I recorded and produced the piano composition utilizing Logic Pro and brought the vision of the production team—Andrea Marini, Elisabeth White, Journy Wilkes-Davis, Ryoko Tanaka, and myself—to life with my video editing skills in Adobe Premiere Pro.